Acres of Hope Journey

Land Purchased
Pastor Geoffrey purchases first piece of land with a dream of developing Acres of Hope.

First Home Built
March: Mission Trip w/ Samaritan’s Feet. WC meets Geoffrey; distributes shoes; prayed over land; a few children are sponsored. Easter WCUMC members pledge to fund 4 homes at AoH July: Construction of first 4 homes begins.

Child Sponsorship Begins
March: Mission Trip saw 4 homes under construction; distributed more shoes; accompanied by World of God board member. Child sponsorships begin through World of God, Classes at Acres of Hope begin under the mango tree in Nebbi. Nursery through Primary 3.

School Added
School construction begins. Nebbi Campus: Primary 4 added.

Permanent School Building
Nebbi Campus: classes begin inside first permanent school building. Primary 5 added. April:Construction of Piggery began after WCUMC/ West UMC Mission trip. Pakwach Campus: Classes begin in temporary structure (Nursery Classes).

Agriculture & Aquaponics
September Mission Trip focusing on The Leader in Me with the children; and new bio’s for child sponsorships through World of God. Nebbi Campus: Primary 6 added. Goats, chickens, turkeys, and dairy cows added to AOH farm. Aquaponics program begins. Pakwach Campus: Primary 1 added; tin roof added to structure. Well constructed in Pakwach.

Child Sponsorship Thrives
Child sponsorship reaches 185. October: Mission Trip to AOH & Pastor Geoffrey visits USA. Nebbi Campus: Second permanent school building
completed. Third permanent school building began. Primary 7 added. Pakwach Campus: Primary 2 added, cement floors and walls added to structure.

Third School Building
February: Mission Trip focusing on Yobel International; a Small Business Training for 30+ village women. Nebbi Campus: Third permanent school building almost complete! Major expansion of aquaponics program under way. Pakwach Campus: Primary 3 added; additional classroom added.

A year of Generosity
So many friends and supporters came together to raise funds for the 3-story school building to educate 400 children. AOHI tried something new; Cruising for Classrooms – a fundraiser on Lake Norman with Pastor Geoffrey as our special guest.

Three-story Primary School Building Opens
Through God’s grace and a lot of hard work on both sides of the Atlantic. the new building opens and accommodates up to 400 students from Primary 1 to Primary 7.

A year of Trials
The world shuts down due to COVID, but AOHU perseveres. The government requires Uganda schools to remain closed for most of the year. The AOHU staff focuses on making sure children are fed and they keep up with studies as best as possible.

AOHU Certified by Ugandan Ministry of Education
As COVID continues to affect everyday life, Acres of Hope Uganda Primary School becomes officially certified by the Ugandan Ministry of Education! This is a major step forward for AOHU!

Dorms for the Older Students
The girls move into their new dorm and construction begins on the boy’s dorm! These dorms make space for 200 boarding students.

AOHU Secondary School Opens on Nebbi Campus
For the first time ever, Secondary students return to Nebbi from campuses throughout Uganda. The students attend class in temporary classrooms with the hopes of a permanent secondary school structure soon.