Letter and Gift Giving Guidelines
Thank you for your generosity and the love you share with the children at Acres of Hope!
We would love for you to take a minute to review our sponsorship procedures.
Printed letters and pictures are loved and appreciated by your child and are always welcome!
A copy will be emailed to Uganda when received by AOHI. The paper copies will be shared with the children when a team visits Uganda. We also encourage you to write to your child online anytime via AOHI.org/Sponsor. Your letters and pictures of any type are truly treasured by your child!
When teams travel to Uganda, we often ask for donations of items needed by Acres of Hope. We ask that sponsors give only the items that are requested. We understand that in our culture giving unique gifts is a common way to show love. However, Acres of Hope is a beautiful family where love is shared in community with others, without many material possessions. Experience has shown that when a few children receive unique gifts, jealousy and arguments occur. We do not want to contribute to this problem. Neither do we want to export our material-based culture to a place where joy abounds without such things.
Items that Acres of Hope can always use (and are less expensive in the U.S.)
These items will be left at AoHU by visiting teams and distributed by Pastor Geoffrey and the AoHU staff:
- Good News Bible – Inscription to your child is OK – given to your child by AoHU staff
- Twin Bed Sheets and Bath Towels – dark colors best – distributed by AoHU staff as needed
- Pens and Pencils – Shared with all students
- Scientific Calculators – Casio, Solar best – Needed by Primary 7 students heading to Secondary School
- Toothpaste (large size) and Toothbrushes – Shared with all students
- Feminine Hygiene Pads and Sports Bras – Shared with all girls as needed
- Used Cell Phones – For Staff – Unlocked, reset to factory settings, and SIM card removed
- Note: Sometimes Pastor Geoffrey will request additional items from a team. We will use email, newsletters and Facebook posts to notify you of additional needs. A small financial donation for “extras” is always welcome. There are many supplies available in Uganda, and we love stimulating the local economy!
How Your Sponsorship Payment Works
Your monthly sponsorship gift if combined with the other sponsorship donations to provide every sponsored child with education, food, healthcare, housing, and most importantly love. This ensures long-term access to the essentials for all sponsored children and the Acres of Hope community. Separate accounts are not maintained for each child.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions. (aohi@aohi.org) Thank You!